Musical Maggie

Musical Maggie
Day dreaming again...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Daydream Believer

Is it OK to daydream?  Well, maybe not if you're a 13 year old staring out the window and daydreaming during a "You Are There" film in a middle school history class.  Ah, to be 13 again and in the prime of my daydreaming years.  Somehow I made it to the age of 46 and left those daydreams behind.  So, is it OK to daydream as a 46 year old?  I never thought I'd be asking myself that question because I've been oh so busy living out those dreams I had as a 13 year old.  I obtained my "dream job."  I married the love of my life.  I traveled to all those lovely spots I once knew only through pictures, and I finally moved to my dream house with a view of the sun setting behind a mountain.  Why would I want to daydream?  Is there anything left to daydream about?  I think I know the answer to my questions...but of course!

In a daydream I can be young again!  In a daydream I can still go places I've never been before! I can let my imagination run wild.  Just give me the right song to listen to or the right photograph to gaze upon and I'm going someplace in my beautiful daydreaming world.  I am no longer 13 years old, but I find that I have more to daydream about now than ever before.  This world I've been living in for 46 years isn't all there is... I just know there's something even better out there.  I can feel it.  I was born feeling it.  I've been looking for it everywhere here on Earth.  Does anything HERE live up to a daydream?  Of course not.  You know there's something better too, don't you.  Close your eyes...Can you see it?  Can you feel it?  Let yourself dream, and dream BIG... We were there once, and we can get there again.

Daydream on, my fellow Earthling...

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